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Mexican pianist Jesus Lepe became a guest of Gabala music lovers.

07 September 2019 | 16:00

The famous Mexican pianist Jesus Lepe, who is visiting Azerbaijan, was a guest of music lovers in Gabala on September 6 as part of a tour of the regions. Speaking at the beginning of the concert organized in the Gabala Cultural Center, the deputy head of the Region Executive Power, Ataya Osmanova, noted that international events and music festivals in Gabala have become a tradition, she expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Embassy of Mexico in our country for organizing the first concert in the region in Gabala city. Speaking at the event, Mexican Ambassador to Azerbaijan Juan Rodrigo Labardini said the embassy organized a series of concerts aimed at promoting the rapprochement of the two peoples in the language of music. It was noted that the Mexican Embassy in Azerbaijan is constantly implementing projects aimed at expanding friendly and cultural ties between our countries. The ambassador said that this is not the first acquaintance of Gabala with Mexican culture. In 2016, an exhibition of Mexican artist Margarita Morales was organized in Gabala. A year later, the people of Gabala got the opportunity to try some traditional Mexican dishes. It was noted that before Gabala, pianist Jesus Lepe performed for music lovers at the International Mugam Center in Baku. The next concert of the pianist will take place on September 11 in Sumgait. The concert featured works by world-famous composers Bach, Beethoven and Chopin, as well as classical music performers Jesus Belisario and Ricardo Castro from Mexico. Listeners met the pianist's performance with applause.
